St. Marys Medical Center XC Festival 2018 vs St. Marys Medical Center XC Festival 2015

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +117 854 737
Overall Average +9.04 23:56.01 23:46.97
1st-10th Place -16.32 16:29.90 16:46.22
1st-25th Place -25.17 16:51.88 17:17.05
1st-50th Place -9.56 17:21.24 17:30.80
1st-100th Place -3.17 17:56.67 17:59.84
Common Athletes -- -- 72
Ran Faster 25 49 24
Ran Season Best 9 9 --
Average Time -48.38 22:58.21 23:46.59
Median Time -38.00 22:50.00 23:28.00
Middle 80% Times -34.08 23:02.22 23:36.31
Top 10% Times -43.89 17:05.00 17:48.89
Top 25% Times -50.24 18:08.44 18:58.68
Top 50% Times -52.39 19:44.36 20:36.75
Bottom 50% Times -44.37 26:12.06 26:56.43
Bottom 25% Times -1:28.86 27:59.33 29:28.19
Bottom 10% Times -2:42.93 29:39.63 32:22.55
Average Difference -43.44 -- --
Median Difference -37.10 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -25.84 -- --
Top 10% Difference -48.90 -- --
Top 50% Difference -36.38 -- --
Top 25% Difference -58.84 -- --
Top 50% Difference -36.38 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -50.69 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:11.57 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -3:09.73 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Aaron Withrow Winfield -28.83 16:27.00 16:55.83
Bryce Jarrell Ravenswood -47.40 16:37.00 17:24.40
Benjamin Lake Parkersburg -2:04.30 16:48.00 18:52.30
Justin Belcher Hurricane -1:17.65 16:54.00 18:11.65
Brett Armbruster Cabell Midland -1:26.60 16:56.00 18:22.60
Huston Deem Ritchie County +5:12.20 22:19.00 17:06.80
John Casey Hurricane -2:17.70 17:19.00 19:36.70
Blake Jarrell Ravenswood -22.80 17:37.00 17:59.80
Bryer Mcpherson Hurricane +24.27 18:02.00 17:37.73
Sam Starkey Robert C. Byrd -1:02.20 18:17.00 19:19.20
Bradley Yost Ripley -1:19.26 18:24.00 19:43.26
Clayton Bee Ritchie County -27.90 18:33.00 19:00.90
Allen Quinlan Hurricane -2:33.90 18:38.00 21:11.90
Ben Bemis Newark Cath. +7.20 19:02.00 18:54.80
Justin Sexton Greenbrier East -42.50 18:56.00 19:38.50
Cole Garvin Doddridge County -2:42.00 19:03.00 21:45.00
Hunter Hutson Bridgeport Senior -1:04.60 19:04.00 20:08.60
Jayden Wolfe St. Marys -1:28.50 19:51.00 21:19.50
Ian Blankenship Doddridge County -2:13.10 20:04.00 22:17.10
Anya Miller Cabell Midland -1:40.21 20:05.00 21:45.21
Daniel Kniceley Robert C. Byrd -3:00.40 20:05.00 23:05.40
Spencer Monteville Spring Valley -1:45.23 20:08.00 21:53.23
Savannah Hoff Winfield +34.10 20:47.00 20:12.90
Wyatt Graves Capital -1:20.47 20:13.00 21:33.47
Sydney Smith Buffalo -4:16.80 20:17.00 24:33.80
Sam Martine Newark Cath. -3:46.20 21:03.00 24:49.20
Brady Kessinger Hurricane +1:47.60 23:06.00 21:18.40
Wesley Monroe Ironton +44.70 22:10.00 21:25.30
Gwyn Napier Ritchie County -37.08 21:26.00 22:03.08
Nathan Winger Parkersburg -3:14.00 21:27.00 24:41.00
Greg Wilson Bridgeport Senior -1:42.00 21:28.00 23:10.00
Winnie Mayes Huntington -43.27 21:32.00 22:15.27
Chloe Adkins Cabell Midland -46.09 21:45.00 22:31.09
Matt Powell Newark Cath. -2:05.10 22:03.00 24:08.10
Shannon Ruble Parkersburg South -11.29 22:04.00 22:15.29
Kj Helgason Cabell Midland +3:47.30 25:56.00 22:08.70
Luke Carte Scott +6:32.30 29:01.00 22:28.70
Jonathan Smith Buffalo +0.40 22:36.00 22:35.60
J.j. Lipscomb Nicholas County -1:22.10 22:37.00 23:59.10
Erin Schumacher Parkersburg +13.19 22:52.00 22:38.81
Liam Mccarthy Bridgeport Senior -38.00 22:50.00 23:28.00
Cassidy Moore Parkersburg South +4:53.86 28:10.00 23:16.14
Allison Henderson Point Pleasant -2:46.52 23:24.00 26:10.52
Kennedy Quinlan Oak Glen -1:28.95 23:27.00 24:55.95
Jared Giguere Bridgeport Senior -37.10 23:27.00 24:04.10
Noah Deem Parkersburg +2:48.60 26:27.00 23:38.40
Shannon Houdek Lincoln County -52.25 23:43.00 24:35.25
Sydney Edge East Fairmont +2:07.63 25:56.00 23:48.37
Kassidy Anderson Ravenswood +3:53.84 27:43.00 23:49.16
Destiny Burgoyne East Fairmont -4:14.59 24:06.00 28:20.59
Andrew Jarrell Scott +1:41.00 26:01.00 24:20.00
Caylee Greene Hurricane -2:51.97 24:26.00 27:17.97
Hayley Willey Robert C. Byrd +1:04.06 25:32.00 24:27.94
Easton Perry Ripley +1:14.20 25:46.00 24:31.80
Faith Irwin Cabell Midland +1:28.35 26:06.00 24:37.65
Sharina Ratliff Clay County -2:45.02 24:43.00 27:28.02
Jj Snider Newark Cath. -2:06.00 24:44.00 26:50.00
Chase Gibson Westside -12:20.30 24:50.00 37:10.30
Brettina Jeffers Spring Valley +37.08 25:33.00 24:55.92
Michael Morgado Capital -2:03.40 25:08.00 27:11.40
Maggie Robertson Ritchie County -3:56.19 25:53.00 29:49.19
Fatima Perez Nicholas County +6:14.89 32:15.00 26:00.11
Aaron Adkins Scott -1:05.40 26:02.00 27:07.40
Carissa Wetz Parkersburg -39.73 26:39.00 27:18.73
Bryce Morris Cabell Midland -2:10.70 26:43.00 28:53.70
Shawna Ashby Wirt County +46.94 27:34.00 26:47.06
Shey Freeman Bridgeport Senior +24.62 27:20.00 26:55.38
Bailey Lancaster Parkersburg -2:12.60 28:05.00 30:17.60
Chloe Slack Lincoln County -6:44.19 29:04.00 35:48.19
Cleah Slack Lincoln County -6:34.24 29:14.00 35:48.24
Lauren Flesher Ritchie County +1:46.61 31:36.00 29:49.39
John Whitt Scott -1:31.80 29:52.00 31:23.80