SHHS Hawks Invitational 2024

Lost Creek, WV

SHHS Hawks Invitational 2024 vs SHHS Hawks Invitational 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -1 66 67
Overall Average +10.36 23:52.37 23:42.01
1st-10th Place -50.70 18:08.09 18:58.79
1st-25th Place -55.41 19:02.20 19:57.61
1st-50th Place -39.09 21:10.76 21:49.86
1st-100th Place -7.38 15:45.36 15:52.75
Common Athletes -- -- 20
Ran Faster 4 12 8
Ran Season Best 5 6 1
Average Time -14.25 22:36.85 22:51.10
Median Time -1:37.61 21:18.90 22:56.51
Middle 80% Times -30.66 21:42.33 22:12.99
Top 10% Times -59.50 18:03.50 19:03.00
Top 25% Times -54.28 18:31.70 19:25.98
Top 50% Times -46.22 19:23.03 20:09.25
Bottom 50% Times +17.72 25:50.67 25:32.95
Bottom 25% Times +1:13.76 28:48.36 27:34.60
Bottom 10% Times +2:42.32 34:26.35 31:44.04
Average Difference -14.25 -- --
Median Difference +55.48 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -34.49 -- --
Top 10% Difference -28.85 -- --
Top 50% Difference -49.24 -- --
Top 25% Difference -25.43 -- --
Top 50% Difference -49.24 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +20.74 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:25.01 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +2:42.32 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Lynk Suesli Tucker County -2:39.93 17:55.60 20:35.53
Adrian Bott Lincoln -46.34 18:11.40 18:57.74
Carter Knight Liberty (Harrison) -45.78 18:40.30 19:26.08
Jonathan Folmsbee Liberty (Harrison) -1:10.74 18:54.30 20:05.04
Wyatt Miller Liberty (Harrison) -11.36 18:56.90 19:08.26
Dennis Napper Liberty (Harrison) -23.28 19:25.50 19:48.78
Harris Holden South Harrison +9.16 19:58.20 19:49.04
Max Myers Lincoln -0.41 19:53.40 19:53.81
Savannah Holden South Harrison -2:06.01 20:50.50 22:56.51
Nathaniel Linger South Harrison -17.66 21:04.20 21:21.86
Cole Holt Lincoln -2:28.67 21:18.90 23:47.57
Ryan Scott Tucker County +55.48 23:21.80 22:26.32
Keston Rose Lincoln -1:40.10 22:45.40 24:25.50
Dakota James South Harrison +34.46 23:34.90 23:00.44
OWEN BAKER South Harrison -58.84 23:23.90 24:22.74
Addie Moats Tucker County +56.35 24:25.60 23:29.25
Annika Shuman Liberty (Harrison) +39.93 25:15.50 24:35.57
Ela Kirksey South Harrison +4.14 25:28.00 25:23.86
Noah Aspy South Harrison +48.26 26:26.10 25:37.84
Adrianna Tuttle Tucker County +4:36.37 42:26.60 37:50.23