Coal River Classic 2024 vs Coal River Classic 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +62 162 100
Overall Average -13.00 24:30.61 24:43.60
1st-10th Place -36.80 17:32.11 18:08.91
1st-25th Place -1:15.93 18:07.92 19:23.84
1st-50th Place -1:36.67 19:15.96 20:52.63
1st-100th Place -3:16.34 21:27.27 24:43.60
Common Athletes -- -- 23
Ran Faster 13 18 5
Ran Season Best 2 3 1
Average Time -1:30.54 20:55.19 22:25.73
Median Time -1:32.10 19:52.60 21:24.70
Middle 80% Times -1:24.45 21:08.05 22:32.50
Top 10% Times -1:23.93 17:07.73 18:31.67
Top 25% Times -1:28.47 17:29.30 18:57.77
Top 50% Times -1:44.34 18:13.26 19:57.60
Bottom 50% Times -1:09.19 21:52.53 23:01.72
Bottom 25% Times -1:33.30 26:11.45 27:44.75
Bottom 10% Times -2:05.47 27:21.57 29:27.03
Average Difference -1:30.54 -- --
Median Difference -1:02.50 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:28.47 -- --
Top 10% Difference -58.47 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:30.80 -- --
Top 25% Difference -57.08 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:30.80 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:27.94 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:27.33 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -3:36.47 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Will Barton Charleston Catholic -2:14.90 16:55.60 19:10.50
Kirklen Hinamon George Washington -3:22.40 17:02.30 20:24.70
Sam Aulenbacher Nitro -1:59.00 17:25.30 19:24.30
Isaac Collins Charleston Catholic -19.50 17:43.10 18:02.60
Charlie Barton Charleston Catholic -2:55.80 17:48.60 20:44.40
Lance Busse Nitro -21.00 18:00.90 18:21.90
Ben Bonham St. Albans -8:26.10 18:23.60 26:49.70
Dylan Poston Nitro -2:21.10 18:41.60 21:02.70
Andrew Michael St. Albans -2:33.90 18:46.30 21:20.20
Shadan Schoolcraft Nitro -43.20 18:52.10 19:35.30
Theo Atkinson Nitro -4.90 19:07.10 19:12.00
Nash Porter George Washington -2:04.30 19:52.60 21:56.90
Dickinson Gould Charleston Catholic -1:02.50 20:22.90 21:25.40
Travis Anderson Herbert Hoover -1:25.60 20:36.40 22:02.00
Abigail Torman St. Albans -11.40 20:36.50 20:47.90
Ava Mitias George Washington +1.80 21:26.50 21:24.70
Hannah Fisher Charleston Catholic +48.80 22:19.40 21:30.60
Ava Templeton St. Albans -6:09.70 22:55.40 29:05.10
Maisie Bishop George Washington +3:48.10 26:45.40 22:57.30
Olivia Sizemore George Washington +50.50 25:45.60 24:55.10
Carli Monk Herbert Hoover +43.40 27:06.00 26:22.60
Kelsie Hodges George Washington -53.60 26:23.00 27:16.60
Charlotte Ward George Washington -3:46.10 28:13.30 31:59.40