Doddridge Invitational 2024 vs Doddridge Invitational 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -81 87 168
Overall Average +1:27.06 24:55.08 23:28.02
1st-10th Place +17.89 17:56.16 17:38.27
1st-25th Place +50.74 19:15.94 18:25.20
1st-50th Place +1:45.97 21:01.56 19:15.59
1st-100th Place +58.40 21:40.72 20:42.32
Common Athletes -- -- 29
Ran Faster 3 16 13
Ran Season Best 6 6 --
Average Time -7.60 22:51.71 22:59.31
Median Time +32.43 22:25.38 21:52.95
Middle 80% Times -13.20 22:35.40 22:48.60
Top 10% Times -25.50 17:20.45 17:45.95
Top 25% Times -42.98 18:24.85 19:07.83
Top 50% Times -17.01 19:52.59 20:09.60
Bottom 50% Times +2.32 24:19.38 24:17.06
Bottom 25% Times +1.19 27:58.67 27:57.48
Bottom 10% Times +1:21.15 32:28.57 31:07.43
Average Difference -7.60 -- --
Median Difference +1:37.77 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -18.24 -- --
Top 10% Difference -10.00 -- --
Top 50% Difference -24.86 -- --
Top 25% Difference -37.40 -- --
Top 50% Difference -24.86 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +16.69 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -15.34 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:21.15 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Amos Kimble Tyler Consolidated -21.08 16:33.32 16:54.40
Travis Moore Tyler Consolidated -27.42 17:39.39 18:06.81
Samuel Gola Doddridge County -1:06.34 17:48.65 18:54.99
Gunner Kimball Doddridge County +18.49 18:35.14 18:16.65
Brody Nice Tyler Consolidated -1:57.39 18:22.97 20:20.36
Cory Swentzel Doddridge County -1:39.31 18:44.03 20:23.34
Hunter Blake Seese Ritchie County -1:10.73 19:29.00 20:39.73
Jerod Trent Doddridge County +17.04 20:13.61 19:56.57
Noah Bragg Roane County -3.22 20:06.26 20:09.48
Jacob Berke Doddridge County +31.94 21:27.87 20:55.93
Jacob Solomon Heritage Christian School -1:58.81 21:07.78 23:06.59
Jonathan Stringer Ritchie County +20.44 21:35.27 21:14.83
Owen Chesser Ritchie County +2:32.44 23:56.37 21:23.93
Bentlee Williams Ritchie County +12.47 21:41.87 21:29.40
Kaitlyn Key Doddridge County +1:37.77 23:22.42 21:44.65
Cassie Cumberledge Doddridge County +1:47.18 23:40.13 21:52.95
Joe Ware Heritage Christian School -3:48.37 22:18.29 26:06.66
Paul Ware Heritage Christian School -46.82 22:25.38 23:12.20
John Cross Tyler Consolidated +2:02.85 24:30.54 22:27.69
Linhang Chen Ritchie County -1:15.09 22:42.77 23:57.86
Remi Jones Ritchie County +18.69 23:26.44 23:07.75
Adalaide Taylor Roane County -50.76 23:53.22 24:43.98
Lily Haught Tyler Consolidated -2:55.05 24:06.42 27:01.47
Amber Perkins Wood County Christian +1:06.17 25:52.11 24:45.94
Justin Chen Ritchie County -9.34 25:18.81 25:28.15
Taylor Bodkin Doddridge County -19.55 26:35.79 26:55.34
Emily Besten Notre Dame +2:13.90 29:40.50 27:26.60
Leilani Navarro Wood County Christian -3.95 28:37.09 28:41.04
Aliana Riley Clay-Battelle +1:53.49 39:08.13 37:14.64