results courtesy of
Meet: Region III - Class AAA
Location: Greenbrier East
Date: October 18, 2007
Note: 2 Girls Teams and 2 Boys Teams Advance.
Girls Team Scores
1. Capital 43
2. George Washington 53
3. Woodrow Wilson 57
4. Greenbrier East 70
Also Competing - Riverside, South Charleston
Girls Individual Results
Place Name Team Time
1 Chelsea Jarvis Capital 21:10
2 Christine Azevedo Capital 21:43
3 Chelsea Houchins So. Charleston 22:49
4 Leslie Thomas Riverside 22:53
5 Emma Moredock Geo. Washington 23:23
6 Rachel Swartz Woodrow Wilson 23:49
7 Alexa Gutierrez Geo. Washington 24:03
8 Annie Loeb Geo. Washington 24:19
9 Elizabeth Austin Greenbrier East 24:24
10 Haylie Davis Woodrow Wilson 24:56
11 Katherine Skaff Capital 25:01
12 Kayla Bryant Woodrow Wilson 25:14
13 Mae Scott Greenbrier East 25:51
14 Mary Warner Greenbrier East 26:20
15 Alexis Hancock Woodrow Wilson 26:38
16 Emily Boggs Geo. Washington 26:43
17 Katherine Chase Capital 26:54
18 Cassie Coon Riverside 26:57
19 Kaitlin Ball Capital 26:58
20 Rachel Powell Greenbrier East 27:14
21 Rachel Wallace Geo. Washington 27:58
22 Sara Kandera Geo. Washington 28:02
23 Laura Hunt So. Charleston 28:38
24 Jagannath Priyanka Geo. Washington 28:52
25 Kayla Ball Capital 29:12
26 Lea Comerci Woodrow Wilson 29:23
27 Erin Senter Greenbrier East 29:26
28 Grace Underhill Capital 30:15
29 Jzanese Weeks Woodrow Wilson 32:15
30 Paige Carver Riverside 34:58
Boys Team Scores
1. George Washington 35
2. Capital 36
3. Woodrow Wilson 71
4. Greenbrier East 80
Also Competing - Nicholas, Riverside, South Charleston
Boys Individual Results
Place Name Team Time
1 David Caldwell So. Charleston 17:48
2 Jordan Burgess Capital 18:23
3 Adam Woodruff Geo. Washington 18:43
4 Chris Prelaz Woodrow Wilson 18:51
5 Sean Cantrell Capital 18:52
6 Jordan O\'Dell Geo. Washington 18:55
7 Brad Dugan Greenbrier East 19:04
8 Evan Walker Geo. Washington 19:18
9 Chris Pratt Geo. Washington 19:36
10 Jeremy Smolder Capital 19:40
11 Benji Hamer Capital 19:46
12 Anthony Hancock Woodrow Wilson 19:56
13 Jimmy Ivey Riverside 19:59
14 Luke Teel Capital 20:01
15 Will Johansen Geo. Washington 20:08
16 Brennin Zerbe Geo. Washington 20:16
17 Jacob Socriker Greenbrier East 20:29
18 Josh Whitt Greenbrier East 20:34
19 Blake Woodruff Geo. Washington 20:45
20 Drew Sauls Woodrow Wilson 20:49
21 Eric Robbins Woodrow Wilson 21:04
22 Shawn Fox Woodrow Wilson 21:10
23 Ethan Alderman Greenbrier East 21:11
24 Thomas Godby Greenbrier East 21:43
25 Kyle Diem Greenbrier East 22:14
26 Jordan Wooldridge Woodrow Wilson 22:47
27 Nolan Sankoff Capital 22:54
28 David Stone Capital 23:46
29 Logan Payton Nicholas 23:59
30 Nicklaus Marsh Nicholas 24:00
31 Tony Basham Woodrow Wilson 24:49
32 Jeremiah Williams So. Charleston 24:56
33 Ben Fleming Nicholas 25:14
34 David Dotson Greenbrier East 25:32
35 Nathan Nutter Nicholas 26:04