Potomac Valley Conference (PVC) Large School Championship 2011

Shenandoah Junction, WV
Hosted by Jefferson

Junior Varsity

                   Potomac Valley Conference Championship 
                       hosted by Jefferson High School
                               @ Sam Michaels Park
                             Shenandoah Junction, WV
                           Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2011

Timing by the Potomac Highlands Distance Club
Email corrections to news@phdispatch.com

Event 3  Girls 5k Run CC
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
Results - Women
  1 Hoxton, Peyton           W10 Jefferson Cougars     24:56.00
  2 Biebel, Jen               W9 Jefferson Cougars     24:58.50
  3 Affemann, Pandora        W10 Jefferson Cougars     25:11.40

Event 3  Boys 5k Run CC
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
Results - Men
  1 Jacobs, Jackson          M10 Jefferson Cougars     17:43.00    1
  2 Ledden, Nick             M12 Jefferson Cougars     18:16.50    2
  3 Parker, Arlo             M11 Jefferson Cougars     19:24.90    3
  4 Royster, Matt            M11 Jefferson Cougars     19:39.80    4
  5 Meyer, J.D.              M12 Jefferson Cougars     19:45.70    5
  6 Miller, Josh             M11 Musselman Applemen    20:05.30
  7 Chiswell, Curtis         M12 Jefferson Cougars     20:05.30    6
  8 Lai-Fang, Ashton         M12 Jefferson Cougars     20:11.20    7
  9 Lindberg, Hoff           M12 Jefferson Cougars     20:26.80
 10 Trucks, Brandon           M9 Musselman Applemen    20:27.10
 11 Shifflett, Jaron         M11 Musselman Applemen    20:43.80
 12 Band, Quincy             M10 Musselman Applemen    20:44.10
 13 Goode, Warren            M11 Jefferson Cougars     20:44.40
 14 Jarrell, Brendan         M10 Jefferson Cougars     21:40.80
 15 Mulvihill, David          M9 Martinsburg Bull      21:44.90    8
 16 Grove, Taylor             M9 Martinsburg Bull      21:49.50    9
 17 Schmidt, Christian       M10 Martinsburg Bull      22:29.50   10
 18 Winburn, Jeremy          M11 Martinsburg Bull      23:26.10   11
 19 Vanrensselaer, Zach      M11 Martinsburg Bull      28:47.40   12
 20 Beachley, Robert          M9 Martinsburg Bull      29:34.80   13

                                   Team Scores
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7
 Results - Men
   1 Jefferson Cougars            15    1    2    3    4    5    6    7
      Total Time:  1:34:49.90
         Average:    18:57.98
   2 Martinsburg Bulldogs         50    8    9   10   11   12   13
      Total Time:  1:58:17.40
         Average:    23:39.48