Burcham: 4:13.69 1600m and 1:57.47 800m

Photo courtesy of Sholten Singer/The Herald-Dispatch


Cabell Midland's Jacob Burcham has served notice that his freshman year was no fluke when he posted the fastest 1600m time of his career at the Carlos Akers Memorial Invitational with a first place time of 4:13.69. At the time of this article Burcham's time was the 10th fastest in the U.S. this year.The sophomore running on his home track in Ona, WV also won the 800m run in 1:57.47. Last year Burcham was the fastest freshman in the nation and came close to setting the national records for freshmen in the mile wilth a 4:15.10 at the New Balance Outdoor Nationals.