24th Annual Capital City Striders Invitational Information

The 24nd Annual CAPITAL CITY STRIDERS INVITATIONAL TRACK MEET WILL BE held on Friday June 11th beginning at 4:30 PM and SATURDAY JUNE  12th  at 8:00 AM in University of Charleston Stadium at LAIDLEY FIELD. The event averages 500 athletes per year and this year features two youth teams from Virginia returning after 10 years and a new participant from Pittsburgh to try and win the First Place Trophy from the home standing Striders.


Friday night features a  3K or 2K Steeplechase at 6:00 PM and a on track 5K beginning at 7:00 PM. Other events include the Turbo Javelin Throw and the Triple Jump. Entries are accepted on site the day of the meet or enter on Thursday or Friday night at the Headquarters Hotel, Embassy Suites.


Entry information for this age group event is available at (capitalcitystriders.org) All competitors of all ages are welcomed.


 For more information call Paul Gilmer at 389-1982 or e-mail (PJGilmer@aol.com)