GEICO Classic Invitational 2012

Ona, WV

Middle School Boys


                 6th Annual GEICO Classic XC Invitational
                             Cabell Midland HS
  Weather: 77* Sunny, Humid

             ********** MIDDLE SCHOOL BOYS RESULTS **********

    Meet Record:  11:35.0 Jason Weitzel, PikeView MS, 2010
  Course Record:  11:19.31 Cass Meadows, Cabell Midland, 2003

Place TmPl Name                         Gr School                    Time     Pace  
===== ==== ============================ == ========================= ======== ===== 
    1    1 Jonathan Hathaway            8  Milton MS                 11:15.39  5:28 
    2    2 Sam Thomas                   8  Horace Mann MS            11:35.66  5:38 
    3      Cameron Sanders              8  Ashland Paul Blazer (KY)  11:59.57  5:50 
    4    3 Josh Minor                   7  Milton MS                 12:05.72  5:53 
    5    4 Remington Boyce              8  Ripley MS                 12:23.83  6:02 
    6    5 Kyle Machel                  8  Winfield MS               12:25.32  6:02 
    7    6 Owen Huffman                 8  Barboursville MS          12:29.05  6:04 
    8    7 Ryder Gray                   8  Winfield MS               12:31.73  6:05 
    9    8 J.T. Erskine                 8  Winfield MS               12:33.09  6:06 
   10    9 George McPhail               8  Milton MS                 12:33.19  6:06 
   11      John Morrison                8  St. Joe                   12:33.30  6:06 
   12   10 Evan McCray                  6  Winfield MS               12:35.63  6:07 
   13   11 Hunter Ashton                8  Fairland MS (OH)          12:37.22  6:08 
   14   12 Garrett Gress                8  Hurricane MS              12:37.27  6:08 
   15   13 Matt Durgin                  8  Winfield MS               12:38.48  6:09 
   16   14 Seth Armstrong               8  Hurricane MS              12:39.99  6:09 
   17   15 Chris Barbera                6  Park MS                   12:43.02  6:11 
   18   16 Dalton Fisher                8  Ripley MS                 12:45.08  6:12 
   19      Brady Gorrell                6  Pleasants County MS       12:49.58  6:14 
   20   17 Coy Smith                    8  Milton MS                 12:53.81  6:16 
   21   18 Danny Bickey                 6  Park MS                   12:55.58  6:17 
   22   19 Dakota Cecil                 8  PikeView MS               12:59.30  6:19 
   23   20 Seth Atkins                  8  Russell (KY)              13:01.72  6:20 
   24   21 Riley Heatherington          8  Ravenswood MS             13:08.82  6:23 
   25   22 Alex Farmer                  8  Milton MS                 13:09.14  6:24 
   26   23 Eli Bee                      7  Doddridge County MS       13:10.19  6:24 
   27   24 Griffin Adkins               6  Barboursville MS          13:12.90  6:25 
   28      Luke Lumadue                 7  Hayes MS                  13:13.80  6:26 
   29   25 Robbie Holley                7  Milton MS                 13:16.08  6:27 
   30   26 Austin Jordan                8  Milton MS                 13:16.26  6:27 
   31   27 Phillip Englund              6  Winfield MS               13:17.17  6:27 
   32   28 Jackson Reed                 8  Summersville MS           13:20.02  6:29 
   33   29 Bryson Bias                  8  Fairland MS (OH)          13:22.48  6:30 
   34   30 Jackson Snavely              7  Hurricane MS              13:23.47  6:31 
   35   31 Trenton Williams             6  Winfield MS               13:24.15  6:31 
   36   32 Juvenal Perez                8  Summersville MS           13:27.19  6:32 
   37   33 Ryan Young                   8  Shady Spring MS           13:27.40  6:32 
   38   34 Adam Lambert                 8  Hurricane MS              13:28.99  6:33 
   39   35 Connor Milam                 6  Sissonville MS            13:33.54  6:35 
   40   36 Isaac Sergeon                7  Summersville MS           13:36.60  6:37 
   41      Michael Englund              7  Winfield MS               13:38.27  6:38 
   42   37 Kevin Overbaugh              7  Summersville MS           13:38.42  6:38 
   43   38 Tristen Wilson               8  Fairland MS (OH)          13:40.04  6:39 
   44   39 Joseph Bisaha                8  PikeView MS               13:40.79  6:39 
   45      Alec Dorey                   8  Milton MS                 13:41.84  6:39 
   46   40 Trey Heaster                 8  Doddridge County MS       13:42.76  6:40 
   47   41 Daniel Baldwin               7  PikeView MS               13:44.49  6:41 
   48   42 Brett Armbruster             6  Barboursville MS          13:45.42  6:41 
   49      Braxton Castro               8  Winfield MS               13:49.18  6:43 
   50   43 Luke Rappold                 7  Barboursville MS          13:52.23  6:45 
   51   44 Chad Heiner                  6  Barboursville MS          13:52.24  6:45 
   52   45 Kyle Casto                   7  Hurricane MS              13:54.35  6:46 
   53   46 Logan Bee                    8  Doddridge County MS       13:54.53  6:46 
   54   47 Caleb Greenlee               7  Gallia Academy (OH)       13:55.04  6:46 
   55      Coen Preston                 6  Winfield MS               13:56.44  6:47 
   56   48 Andrew Swisher               7  Ripley MS                 13:57.17  6:47 
   57   49 Alex Hughes                  8  Hurricane MS              13:58.63  6:48 
   58   50 Bryer McPherson              6  Hurricane MS              14:02.55  6:50 
   59      Austin Saltis                7  Taylor County MS          14:03.04  6:50 
   60   51 Jared Ball                   7  Ravenswood MS             14:03.08  6:50 
   61   52 Elijah Smith                 8  Barboursville MS          14:03.65  6:50 
   62      Trenton Pongsugree           8  Winfield MS               14:03.97  6:50 
   63   53 Ben Rock                     8  Doddridge County MS       14:04.33  6:50 
   64   54 Bryce Jarrell                6  Ravenswood MS             14:05.17  6:51 
   65   55 Jacob Moles                  6  Sissonville MS            14:08.68  6:53 
   66      Drew Wall                    7  Winfield MS               14:09.10  6:53 
   67   56 Kyle Greenlee                7  Gallia Academy (OH)       14:11.36  6:54 
   68   57 Adam Brumfield               7  Beverly Hills MS          14:14.93  6:56 
   69   58 Austen Carpenter             8  Ripley MS                 14:15.68  6:56 
   70   59 Luke Keaton                  8  Shady Spring MS           14:17.31  6:57 
   71   60 Dustin Anderson              8  Ravenswood MS             14:18.49  6:57 
   72   61 Andrew Randolph              6  Park MS                   14:18.89  6:57 
   73   62 Miles Kominsky               6  Shady Spring MS           14:23.05  6:59 
   74      Branden Bissett              7  Winfield MS               14:24.53  7:00 
   75   63 Colt Halstead                6  PikeView MS               14:24.55  7:00 
   76   64 Bryce Day                    8  Fairland MS (OH)          14:25.51  7:01 
   77   65 Jax Downs                    7  Russell (KY)              14:26.30  7:01 
   78      Ethan Collier                8  Milton MS                 14:26.60  7:01 
   79   66 Blake Jarrell                6  Ravenswood MS             14:27.47  7:02 
   80   67 Matthew McClung              8  Barboursville MS          14:29.26  7:02 
   81   68 Logan Harrison               6  Russell (KY)              14:29.67  7:03 
   82   69 Bradley Yost                 6  Ripley MS                 14:34.77  7:05 
   83      Ben Legg                     7  Winfield MS               14:36.02  7:06 
   84   70 Shane Taylor                 8  Fairland MS (OH)          14:40.81  7:08 
   85   71 Tyler Jarrett                8  Summersville MS           14:41.85  7:09 
   86      Evan Fleshman                7  Milton MS                 14:42.02  7:09 
   87   72 Kenneth Swisher              8  Ripley MS                 14:42.74  7:09 
   88      Hayden Cooper                7  Milton MS                 14:43.97  7:10 
   89   73 Jacob Cox                    6  Ripley MS                 14:44.36  7:10 
   90   74 Chris Murray                 7  Ravenswood MS             14:48.38  7:12 
   91      Forest Rowley                8  Barboursville MS          14:50.80  7:13 
   92   75 Cade Mason                   8  Gallia Academy (OH)       14:51.10  7:13 
   93   76 Devon Barnes                 8  Gallia Academy (OH)       14:53.87  7:14 
   94   77 Noah Freeman                 6  Ravenswood MS             14:54.68  7:15 
   95   78 Jake Norris                  8  Fairland MS (OH)          14:55.26  7:15 
   96      Elijah Randolph              8  Ripley MS                 14:57.66  7:16 
   97   79 Justin Akers                 7  PikeView MS               14:58.82  7:17 
   98      Jack Peters                  8  Barboursville MS          15:00.25  7:18 
   99   80 Jake Gooderham               8  Beverly Hills MS          15:01.38  7:18 
  100   81 Jared Wilkes                 8  Fairland MS (OH)          15:01.61  7:18 
  101      Alex Naegele                 8  Fairland MS (OH)          15:02.38  7:19 
  102   82 Dylan Miavitz                6  Summersville MS           15:02.76  7:19 
  103   83 Kirk Saunders                8  Gallia Academy (OH)       15:03.40  7:19 
  104   84 Avery Jackson                6  Beverly Hills MS          15:03.92  7:19 
  105   85 Nicholas Strawn              8  Horace Mann MS            15:08.18  7:21 
  106   86 Austin Carte^                6  Summersville MS           15:15.93  7:25 
  107   87 Caleb Dangerfield            6  Shady Spring MS           15:17.43  7:26 
  108   88 Chase Harrison               6  Park MS                   15:22.60  7:28 
  109   89 Warren Maynard               7  Beverly Hills MS          15:27.51  7:31 
  110      Nick Rader                   7  Summersville MS           15:28.57  7:31 
  111   90 Andrew Spears                7  Beverly Hills MS          15:34.77  7:34 
  112   91 Jacob Gross                  8  Our Lady of Fatima        15:37.14  7:35 
  113   92 Zac Goddard                  7  George Washington MS      15:39.56  7:37 
  114   93 Jagger Harvey                8  Park MS                   15:40.43  7:37 
  115      Colby Kasee                  6  Summersville MS           15:42.96  7:38 
  116      Brandon Smith                8  Fairland MS (OH)          15:47.35  7:40 
  117      Alex Francis                 6  Hurricane MS              15:49.67  7:42 
  118   94 Dawson Evans                 6  Doddridge County MS       15:50.24  7:42 
  119   95 Jared Hayson                 7  George Washington MS      15:51.70  7:43 
  120      Ian Carlton                  6  Barboursville MS          15:51.92  7:43 
  121      Tanner Chapman               6  Milton MS                 15:57.39  7:45 
  122      Blake Smith                  8  Fairland MS (OH)          15:59.17  7:46 
  123      Cole Jackson                 7  Hurricane MS              15:59.42  7:46 
  124   96 Hunter Sutler                7  Horace Mann MS            16:00.68  7:47 
  125      Logan McClure                7  Hurricane MS              16:08.26  7:51 
  126   97 Adam Fleckenstein            8  Our Lady of Fatima        16:10.17  7:51 
  127   98 Cody Daniels                 8  Beverly Hills MS          16:16.63  7:55 
  128   99 Matthew Randolph             6  Park MS                   16:17.09  7:55 
  129      Ryan Miller                  7  Hayes MS                  16:17.95  7:55 
  130      Robert Nease                 7  Barboursville MS          16:18.14  7:55 
  131  100 Nathan Sloan                 7  Horace Mann MS            16:19.65  7:56 
  132      Matthew Thomas               7  Barboursville MS          16:21.75  7:57 
  133  101 Braxton Justice              7  PikeView MS               16:21.98  7:57 
  134      Osiris Mullins               6  St. Joe                   16:23.24  7:58 
  135      Noah Chapman                 6  Barboursville MS          16:24.54  7:58 
  136      Ethan Hutchinson             6  Winfield MS               16:25.95  7:59 
  137  102 Max Cantrell                 6  Russell (KY)              16:26.82  8:00 
  138  103 Eric Wilson                  6  Shady Spring MS           16:27.83  8:00 
  139      Blake Bennett                7  Ravenswood MS             16:29.72  8:01 
  140  104 Kadin Ellis                  6  Shady Spring MS           16:29.76  8:01 
  141      Gage Williams                8  Ripley MS                 16:30.05  8:01 
  142  105 Kaleb Angle                  6  Beverly Hills MS          16:31.56  8:02 
  143  106 Mitchell Bolin               8  Gallia Academy (OH)       16:34.42  8:03 
  144      Alik Assi                    6  Hurricane MS              16:36.51  8:04 
  145  107 Nate Russell                 7  Gallia Academy (OH)       16:37.04  8:05 
  146      Cannon Sanders               6  Ashland Paul Blazer (KY)  16:37.47  8:05 
  147      Conner Lacroix               8  Fairland MS (OH)          16:41.15  8:07 
  148      David Ball                   8  Barboursville MS          16:46.99  8:09 
  149      Alex Torres                  7  Hurricane MS              16:47.66  8:10 
  150  108 Sam Dulin                    7  Horace Mann MS            16:52.45  8:12 
  151      Dillon Jobe                  6  Milton MS                 16:52.72  8:12 
  152  109 Cody Scott                   6  George Washington MS      16:54.80  8:13 
  153      Braxton Johnson              7  Beverly Hills MS          16:57.28  8:14 
  154      Brandon Ash                  7  Milton MS                 16:57.80  8:15 
  155  110 Dylan Jividen                6  George Washington MS      17:02.12  8:17 
  156  111 Darick Carter                8  Russell (KY)              17:04.60  8:18 
  157      Jayce Wright                 6  Hurricane MS              17:08.03  8:20 
  158      Colton Cooper                7  Milton MS                 17:08.27  8:20 
  159      Zane Pennington              7  Hurricane MS              17:08.38  8:20 
  160      Andrew Cook                  7  Summersville MS           17:09.49  8:20 
  161  112 Nathan Doll                  6  Doddridge County MS       17:20.32  8:26 
  162      Nathan Crouch                6  Milton MS                 17:21.40  8:26 
  163  113 Malachi Woods                6  George Washington MS      17:28.22  8:29 
  164      London Gardner-Bowen         6  Beverly Hills MS          17:29.48  8:30 
  165  114 Eric Shrewsbury              6  Shady Spring MS           17:36.58  8:33 
  166  115 Cole McKinney                7  Sissonville MS            17:44.91  8:37 
  167  116 Colten Oliver                8  Doddridge County MS       17:50.50  8:40 
  168      Marc Radcliff                6  Winfield MS               17:51.85  8:41 
  169      Spencer Cutlip               6  Summersville MS           17:51.93  8:41 
  170      Thomas Hughart               8  Summersville MS           17:58.58  8:44 
  171  117 Wade Hudson                  6  George Washington MS      18:00.91  8:45 
  172      Matthew Gleason              8  St. Joe                   18:04.24  8:47 
  173      Maverick Gray                6  Winfield MS               18:05.64  8:48 
  174      Collin Thomas                7  Beverly Hills MS          18:08.44  8:49 
  175  118 Cobi Guiess                  6  George Washington MS      18:09.93  8:50 
  176      Nicholas Carr                7  Beverly Hills MS          18:13.18  8:51 
  177      Seth Gainey                  6  Ripley MS                 18:14.81  8:52 
  178      Oliver Davies                7  Gallia Academy (OH)       18:28.53  8:59 
  179      Steven Ball                  6  Barboursville MS          18:28.55  8:59 
  180      Zach Maynor                  6  Shady Spring MS           18:29.64  8:59 
  181      Chance Dixon                 6  Winfield MS               18:37.05  9:03 
  182      Austin Main-Hayes            7  Fairland MS (OH)          18:38.16  9:03 
  183  119 Ethan Granata                7  Sissonville MS            18:55.48  9:12 
  184      Isiah Smith                  7  Fairland MS (OH)          18:56.82  9:12 
  185      Jimmy Friedman               8  Fairland MS (OH)          19:04.58  9:16 
  186      Bradley Johnson              6  Hurricane MS              19:07.03  9:17 
  187      Kobe Cochrane                7  Gallia Academy (OH)       19:10.04  9:19 
  188      Tyler Crank                  7  Milton MS                 19:14.50  9:21 
  189      Ethan Hess                   6  Barboursville MS          19:15.63  9:22 
  190  120 Austin Johnson               8  Sissonville MS            19:16.16  9:22 
  191      Ethan Niebergall             6  Milton MS                 19:17.05  9:22 
  192      Jadon Hayes                  6  Milton MS                 19:23.11  9:25 
  193      Cord Midkiff                 6  Hurricane MS              19:26.23  9:27 
  194      Josh Yianne                  6  Stonewall Jackson MS      19:26.29  9:27 
  195      Kaden Borden                 6  Hurricane MS              19:37.45  9:32 
  196      Max Huffman                  6  Hayes MS                  19:45.14  9:36 
  197      Tyler Drown                  7  Milton MS                 19:48.21  9:37 
  198      Tristan Adkins               6  Beverly Hills MS          19:58.88  9:43 
  199      Luke Turner                  6  Summersville MS           20:05.80  9:46 
  200      Tyler Johnson                7  Beverly Hills MS          20:11.21  9:49 
  201  121 Aaron Thompson               6  PikeView MS               20:21.14  9:53 
  202      Trace Prout                  7  Beverly Hills MS          20:26.48  9:56 
  203      Alex Ward                    8  Fairland MS (OH)          20:43.70 10:04 
  204  122 Rocco Gentilella             6  Our Lady of Fatima        20:52.86 10:09 
  205      Nick Harmon                  6  Barboursville MS          20:55.24 10:10 
  206  123 Matthew Wilson               6  Russell (KY)              21:21.21 10:22 
  207      Jon Bonnell                  8  Doddridge County MS       21:32.15 10:28 
  208  124 Collin Galvez                7  Our Lady of Fatima        22:21.08 10:52 
  209      Gavin Beverage               6  Milton MS                 22:24.85 10:53 
  210      Josh Boehm                   7  Hurricane MS              22:34.02 10:58 
  211  125 John Russell                 6  Horace Mann MS            23:06.05 11:13 
  212  126 Jacob Spruce                 7  Horace Mann MS            24:18.63 11:49 
  213      Mike Childers                6  Doddridge County MS       24:20.12 11:49 
  214      Michael Morgado              6  Horace Mann MS            25:34.55 12:25 
  215      Noah Fletcher                8  Milton MS                 25:56.72 12:36 
  216      Jared Harper                 6  Shady Spring MS           25:57.85 12:37 
  217  127 Stanley Mattam               7  Our Lady of Fatima        26:04.74 12:40 

           ********** MIDDLE SCHOOL BOYS TEAM RESULTS **********

  1.    43  Winfield MS               (  12:34  1:02:47   0:13)
  1      5  Kyle Machel                   12:26
  2      7  Ryder Gray                    12:32
  3      8  J.T. Erskine                  12:34
  4     10  Evan McCray                   12:36
  5     13  Matt Durgin                   12:39
  6   ( 27) Phillip Englund               13:18
  7   ( 31) Trenton Williams              13:25

  2.    52  Milton MS                 (  12:24  1:02:00   1:54)
  1      1  Jonathan Hathaway             11:16
  2      3  Josh Minor                    12:06
  3      9  George McPhail                12:34
  4     17  Coy Smith                     12:54
  5     22  Alex Farmer                   13:10
  6   ( 25) Robbie Holley                 13:17
  7   ( 26) Austin Jordan                 13:17

  3.   135  Hurricane MS              (  13:14  1:06:06   1:17)
  1     12  Garrett Gress                 12:38
  2     14  Seth Armstrong                12:40
  3     30  Jackson Snavely               13:24
  4     34  Adam Lambert                  13:29
  5     45  Kyle Casto                    13:55
  6   ( 49) Alex Hughes                   13:59
  7   ( 50) Bryer McPherson               14:03

  4.   159  Barboursville MS          (  13:27  1:07:15   1:23)
  1      6  Owen Huffman                  12:30
  2     24  Griffin Adkins                13:13
  3     42  Brett Armbruster              13:46
  4     43  Luke Rappold                  13:53
  5     44  Chad Heiner                   13:53
  6   ( 52) Elijah Smith                  14:04
  7   ( 67) Matthew McClung               14:30

  5.   195  Ripley MS                 (  13:36  1:07:59   2:11)
  1      4  Remington Boyce               12:24
  2     16  Dalton Fisher                 12:46
  3     48  Andrew Swisher                13:58
  4     58  Austen Carpenter              14:16
  5     69  Bradley Yost                  14:35
  6   ( 72) Kenneth Swisher               14:43
  7   ( 73) Jacob Cox                     14:45

  6.   204  Summersville MS           (  13:46  1:08:47   1:21)
  1     28  Jackson Reed                  13:21
  2     32  Juvenal Perez                 13:28
  3     36  Isaac Sergeon                 13:37
  4     37  Kevin Overbaugh               13:39
  5     71  Tyler Jarrett                 14:42
  6   ( 82) Dylan Miavitz                 15:03
  7   ( 86) Austin Carte^                 15:16

  7.   212  Fairland MS (OH)          (  13:46  1:08:49   2:03)
  1     11  Hunter Ashton                 12:38
  2     29  Bryson Bias                   13:23
  3     38  Tristen Wilson                13:41
  4     64  Bryce Day                     14:26
  5     70  Shane Taylor                  14:41
  6   ( 78) Jake Norris                   14:56
  7   ( 81) Jared Wilkes                  15:02

  8.   241  PikeView MS               (  13:58  1:09:50   1:59)
  1     19  Dakota Cecil                  13:00
  2     39  Joseph Bisaha                 13:41
  3     41  Daniel Baldwin                13:45
  4     63  Colt Halstead                 14:25
  5     79  Justin Akers                  14:59
  6   (101) Braxton Justice               16:22
  7   (121) Aaron Thompson                20:22

  9.   252  Ravenswood MS             (  14:02  1:10:06   1:19)
  1     21  Riley Heatherington           13:09
  2     51  Jared Ball                    14:04
  3     54  Bryce Jarrell                 14:06
  4     60  Dustin Anderson               14:19
  5     66  Blake Jarrell                 14:28
  6   ( 74) Chris Murray                  14:49
  7   ( 77) Noah Freeman                  14:55

 10.   256  Doddridge County MS       (  14:09  1:10:45   2:40)
  1     23  Eli Bee                       13:11
  2     40  Trey Heaster                  13:43
  3     46  Logan Bee                     13:55
  4     53  Ben Rock                      14:05
  5     94  Dawson Evans                  15:51
  6   (112) Nathan Doll                   17:21
  7   (116) Colten Oliver                 17:51

 11.   275  Park MS                   (  14:13  1:11:03   2:57)
  1     15  Chris Barbera                 12:44
  2     18  Danny Bickey                  12:56
  3     61  Andrew Randolph               14:19
  4     88  Chase Harrison                15:23
  5     93  Jagger Harvey                 15:41
  6   ( 99) Matthew Randolph              16:18

 12.   337  Gallia Academy (OH)       (  14:36  1:12:58   1:08)
  1     47  Caleb Greenlee                13:56
  2     56  Kyle Greenlee                 14:12
  3     75  Cade Mason                    14:52
  4     76  Devon Barnes                  14:54
  5     83  Kirk Saunders                 15:04
  6   (106) Mitchell Bolin                16:35
  7   (107) Nate Russell                  16:38

 13.   344  Shady Spring MS           (  14:48  1:13:56   3:00)
  1     33  Ryan Young                    13:28
  2     59  Luke Keaton                   14:18
  3     62  Miles Kominsky                14:24
  4     87  Caleb Dangerfield             15:18
  5    103  Eric Wilson                   16:28
  6   (104) Kadin Ellis                   16:30
  7   (114) Eric Shrewsbury               17:37

 14.   366  Russell (KY)              (  15:07  1:15:31   4:03)
  1     20  Seth Atkins                   13:02
  2     65  Jax Downs                     14:27
  3     68  Logan Harrison                14:30
  4    102  Max Cantrell                  16:27
  5    111  Darick Carter                 17:05
  6   (123) Matthew Wilson                21:22

 15.   391  Horace Mann MS            (  15:12  1:15:59   5:17)
  1      2  Sam Thomas                    11:36
  2     85  Nicholas Strawn               15:09
  3     96  Hunter Sutler                 16:01
  4    100  Nathan Sloan                  16:20
  5    108  Sam Dulin                     16:53
  6   (125) John Russell                  23:07
  7   (126) Jacob Spruce                  24:19

 16.   400  Beverly Hills MS          (  15:05  1:15:24   1:20)
  1     57  Adam Brumfield                14:15
  2     80  Jake Gooderham                15:02
  3     84  Avery Jackson                 15:04
  4     89  Warren Maynard                15:28
  5     90  Andrew Spears                 15:35
  6   ( 98) Cody Daniels                  16:17
  7   (105) Kaleb Angle                   16:32

 17.   444  Sissonville MS            (  16:45  1:23:41   5:43)
  1     35  Connor Milam                  13:34
  2     55  Jacob Moles                   14:09
  3    115  Cole McKinney                 17:45
  4    119  Ethan Granata                 18:56
  5    120  Austin Johnson                19:17

 18.   519  George Washington MS      (  16:36  1:22:59   1:49)
  1     92  Zac Goddard                   15:40
  2     95  Jared Hayson                  15:52
  3    109  Cody Scott                    16:55
  4    110  Dylan Jividen                 17:03
  5    113  Malachi Woods                 17:29
  6   (117) Wade Hudson                   18:01
  7   (118) Cobi Guiess                   18:10

 19.   561  Our Lady of Fatima        (  20:14  1:41:09  10:27)
  1     91  Jacob Gross                   15:38
  2     97  Adam Fleckenstein             16:11
  3    122  Rocco Gentilella              20:53
  4    124  Collin Galvez                 22:22
  5    127  Stanley Mattam                26:05