Simple Steps to Manually Input Results to RaceTab

Honestly, it drives me crazy every time that I get results that have been hand-typed into Word or Excel or some other crazy format. I certainly appreciate the results being sent in any form! Don't get me wrong! But I know that what I am witnessing is just a bunch of wasted effort.

First of all, it means either I have to spend a lot of time retyping or reformatting the results OR it means that I won't have time so those kids never get in the rankings. Second of all, I know that with actually less effort that coach could have gotten them into RaceTab. And they would have been perfectly formatted, would have scored the meet for them, and I would be able to get all of those results into the athlete pages and rankings.

So I decided to make a short, quick tutorial of how to quickly set up a meet and start inputting results. Even some of you RaceTab veterans may not have realized how easy it really is.

The first step is to download and install RaceTab, you can always get the latest info and download the latest version of RaceTab at Sorry Mac users, the current version is Windows only... but we may have be Mac compatible with the next release.

Once you have it installed, watch the tutorial below. Please note this is just for your basic meet where you want to hand-type in the results. Nothing fancy, just getting the job done!


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